The switch to September means the parade will be taking place outside of Pride Month, but Pride is not isolated to one day, or one parade. In the end, the organisation voted against the ban. In March 2021, Pride in London responded to ongoing calls to ban the Metropolitan Police from participating in the parade. Michael Salter-Church MBE and Alison Camps, co-chairs of Pride in London, said in a recent statement that they are still working with the Mayor’s office and Westminster City Council to finalise plans, and added that ‘in addition to the plans for September, we're working on a way to appropriately mark Pride's traditional anniversary in the summer.
If the timetable for lockdown-easing shifts again, who knows? Maybe it’ll be a winter parade. As with everything else right now, plans are still tbc.
With the 2020 parade sadly cancelled, the now-delayed 2021 edition will be unlike one we’ve ever seen before. Instead of the usual July date, Pride in London will take place in autumn, on September 11 2021. Every year in June, Pride Month is marked with parades, parties and protests to commemorate the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots.