White Sox Fri Food, Fight: A Night with the White Sox And the best part is their original team doesn't lose them for good. It has the potential of putting the game's greatest players who are stuck on terrible teams right in the thick of races. So when Bill Barnwell of Grantland came up with the idea of implementing a soccer-style loan system in MLB, it's hard to understand why the league wouldn't consider it. The DH will come to the National League in the next 25 years, and so will an automated system for the calling of balls and strikes. The rules of these sports are not sacred. The NBA moved in the three-point line for three seasons in the mid-90s before moving it back to its original 23 feet, nine inches. If an idea flops, you can always revert back to the old ways. By 1887, the leaders of the sport had regulated it down to just five. In 1879, it took nine balls for a hitter to get walked. Neither is football, basketball, or soccer.
The only way to advance a sport is to tinker. Baseball Fri If Loans Were Legal, Who Would Cubs/Sox Target?